Insight article
What is employee engagement?
There are so many definitions of this phrase Employee Engagement. It’s become a mini industry in itself, with a range of companies operating in this field. Web and intranet designers, event producers, pensions and benefits companies, survey companies, healthcare companies – you name it, a vast number of them view themelves as agents of employee engagement.
It has indeed become a buzz word which could become over-used and meaningless if we’re not careful. The truth is that true employee engagement is not down to one single factor. For some it is interpreted as a state of being as a result of a combination of certain processes, culture and behaviours within organisations. For others it is an activity to which whole departments are dedicated and titles given.
Patricia Soldati’s article in Management Issues is a neat, simple synopsis of the definition and drivers of employee engagement. As it is a never-ending subject of discussion there will certainly be more, but this will do for now.