Insight article

NEW – storytelling workshops for inspiring leaders

Inspiring leaders know how to tell a good story.  So we’re delighted to announce the launch of a brilliant new storytelling workshop for business leaders and communicators.

This interactive and dynamic session can be delivered in a two-hour, half-day or full-day format at a conference, at your workplace or at our own training facility at 5 Cromwell Place, London SW7.

The focus will be on practising the art and feedback. Participants will leave feeling confident in their ability to weave stories into their workplace conversations to bring abstract or dry messages to life and to better connect with their teams, peers, customers and stakeholders. During the session they will:

•   Explore the power of storytelling, and the benefits it brings to business and leadership;

•   Learn about the four basic components of business storytelling;

•   Discover the seven types of illustrative story and how they can be used to engage, inspire and drive performance in their team; and

•   Practice techniques in how to deliver a story on its own and within a presentation.

Call Alison Esse on +44 20 7590 5440 for more information, or email We look forward to hearing from you.

Nailia Tasseel