Our insights


That dress…

On March 18th 2011, Charlottee Todd sold a dress she’d made whilst at college for £78,000.  It had cost her thirty quid in fabric and by most peoples view was...


Co-creation and involvement

We are lucky enough to be introduced to dozens of large organisations interested in what we do.  What's becoming clear is the increasing interest in involving a wider section of...


Back to basics for making change happen

What is at the heart of making change happen? If we could narrow it down to a few fundamentals what would we focus our efforts on, or at least aim...


Bringing cynics and intellects on board

Every now and again we are approached by companies who, while loving what we do and instinctively knowing it's the answer to many of their challenges, worry that their internal...


Lessons to be learnt from creepy crawlies!

One of the great things about our new office in South Kensington is that we’re just across the road from The Natural History Museum… Whilst strolling around the Creepy Crawlies...


Redundancy makes waves

Today it was announced that a number of long-serving officers in the armed forces have been made redundant – notified by email. Recently my colleague Kate wrote of her brother's...


The Wave

I was intrigued by David Malone’s documentary on the secret lives of waves (Wednesday 2nd February BBC4).  In it David explored our fascination with what makes our oceans swell and...


Sailing – the ultimate metaphor

I was talking to a client yesterday who is currently immersed in planning his company's strategic engagement process. He emphasised the need for clear direction from the top in order...


Silent Witness and the emotional connection

What has Silent Witness got to do with connecting an organisation to their business story? The BBC series involves a team of forensic pathologists, lead by a Professor Leo Dalton....

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