Our insights


Show and tell at Number 5

Summer is here and companies across the land are throwing their doors open for their annual summer parties. With invitations pouring in how do you make your party unique? How...


What story are you trying to tell?

My university lecturer once asked me during a discussion about branding: 'what story are you trying to tell? I didn't have an answer at the time, but I was inspired...


Social media

Flicking through Sky one day, I found a documentary about social media titled Catfish. After reading the synopsis I was still unclear as to what Catfish was about, so, as...


What’s my story?

Having been a member of the Storytellers team for a month now, I've been spending a lot of time thinking about the art of the story. I've been thinking about...


Certain things don’t change

About two years ago, I stopped work as a partner, then globe-trotter, for Deloitte (or was it as self-powered carry-on baggage for BA?) but found I didn’t like it. The...


Stories drive humans – not data

I've been talking today to the CFO of a major global technology client on the day it launches the story of the company's future ambition for growth. How refreshing to...


The importance of being owners

When we choose for ourselves we are far more committed to the outcome – almost by a factor of five to one!. Tapping into this unique element of human nature...


Linkedin tells stories…

Celebrating their impressive member numbers, LinkedIn are asking users to submit their own Linkedin related stories: http://100million.linkedin.com/ Click one of the faces to find out how Linkedin has changed the...


Strategy versus story…

I’m sitting in another meeting with a prospective client, talking about the need to develop their business story, when a familiar question comes up: ‘But we’ve got a clear strategy…...

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