Our insights


It’s a question of trust

As the furore about RBS's Stephen Hester's bonus, banks and senior executive pay reaches boiling point, news emerges that trust in CEOs has plummeted, as, according to PR Week, 'members...


Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2012! Whatever the year ahead holds for you, embrace every opportunity. Fill your glass so that it's half-full, not half-empty, every day of every month. Stare austerity in...


The future of email (and pointless messages)

Ever been deep in work, concentrating hard on a serious task, when your computer announces the arrival of a new email to your inbox? Often, the temptation to check the...


Transforming Nationwide webinar

For those who missed or are interested in the webinar recently presented by Simon Robinson (Nationwide) and Alison Esse (The Storytellers), you can listen to it again here. We were...


Transforming Nationwide:

The Storytellers are pleased to announce their latest webinar (Wednesday 23 November at 14:15) in conjunction with World Trade Group and led by Simon Robinson, Head of Internal Communication, Group...


Director magazine

Nice article about The Storytellers in Director magazine this month, featuring Scott Garrett and Alison Esse. The piece talks of how introducing a new Chief Executive to a company run...


Beware of the evil drink…

At The Storytellers one of our guiding principles is that stories shape our beliefs and our beliefs shape our behaviours. I was therefore fascinated to hear Kate Fox, a social...


Steve Wynn: “It changed my business and changed my life” (our storytelling programme, that is)

When Steve Wynn refers to 'some people from England' in this video clip, it's The Storytellers he's referring to! We designed a storytelling programme for The Wynn in Las Vegas...


Business jargon

I recently came across this great article on BBC Scotland that talks about business jargon. I've read plenty of features like this before but they never fail to make me...

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