Business transformation
We help organisations transform by creating the emotional conditions people need to embrace transformational change.
The digital revolution is making ongoing transformation critical: driving a new need for continuous in-work learning, effective collaboration and an entirely new style of empowering leadership. The gap between new-world skills and current capability looms large. For large businesses with deeply engrained ways of working, this is especially painful. Recent studies show that over two-thirds of transformations fail because fear and complexity prevent people from embracing the change, and only one third of employees have the right support to evolve their skills (McKinsey 2016). But our proven approach makes transformations over six times more likely to succeed (McKinsey, 2017).
“Recent studies show that over two-thirds of transformations fail because fear and complexity prevent people from embracing the change, and only one third of employees have the right support to evolve their skills (McKinsey 2016).”
We help leaders co-create a motivating story of change that people want to be part of, overcoming resistance, fear and inertia with meaningful context and an inspiring purpose. We equip leaders and influencer networks as skilled storytellers who can build belief in a shared destination and role model new behaviours. We equip managers to unlock their teams’ potential: helping each person identify the part they can play and continuously develop the means to perform. And we embed a storytelling culture that continuously learns from personal examples of best practice and success, sustaining the momentum of transformation.
Our clients have benefited from:
- Accelerated execution of strategic, operational and cultural priorities, quickly translating words into action
- An agile culture of continuous learning and change readiness, where teams learn intuitively and adapt easily
- Inspired and empowered employees: emotionally engaged in the transformation journey, clear on their role, fit to deliver and committed to play their part
- Authentic leaders who inspire belief, trust and understanding
- Aligned teams, focused on a shared destination