Insight article

Navigating the storm Accelerating change and derisking transformation in turbulent times

Webinar: Accelerating change and de-risking transformation during turbulent times

Navigating the storm webinar series

Session one – Watch on demand

A leadership toolkit for activating extraordinary performance in a world of volatility

It is a rare company that does not face serious, possibly unprecedented challenges over the coming year.  As well as the immediate problems of inflation, energy crisis and supply chain disruptions, CEOs and senior leadership teams face huge uncertainty as to the depth and longevity of the forecast turbulence ahead.  A bold, positive response is called for and research now overwhelming shows that a story-driven approach is a highly successful enabler of effective strategy activation.

Watch the recording of this webinar, where we share our experience and learnings across 200 major organisations on how C-suite executives can use the power and influence of storytelling to rapidly align leaders, inspire their people, accelerate change and de-risk transformation.


  • Robert Tennant, Head of Client Strategy at The Storytellers
  • Hannah Moyo, Head of Consulting at The Storytellers
  • Marcus Hayes, Co-founder and Director at The Storytellers

We cover:

  • Why the human element of any transformation strategy is critical
  • How storytelling uniquely accelerates change by creating emotional connection to the vision and driving behaviour change
  • How to align and equip leaders to navigate their teams through planned and unpredictable change

Enter your details to watch the webinar.

You can also contact any member of our Client Director team if you have any questions:

Lynn Archer:

Blane Sweeney:

Jessica Lonsdale:

Kirsty Spencer

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